Sexual Addiction & Brain Arousal – Neurobiology of Internet Porn

I’ve seen a consistent theme with clients that present to my office with sexual addiction. This theme is a significant confusion about how they get their needs met. I find that many if not all of them come with beliefs and assumptions due to their addiction and history. These assumptions are in large part due to their…

Emotional Codependency in Marriage and Parenting Relationships

Codependency has typically been associated or understood to be a dynamic that occurs with individuals that are addicted to substances and their partners or spouses. Today the phenomenon we call codependency can be associated with those that are in fact not using substances of any kind. Mothers and children, husbands and wives, friends and associates…

three women cooking holiday tradition

Strengthening Relationships Through Family Traditions and Rituals

With the holiday season approaching, countless events become abuzz with holiday parties, church and social events, and family dinners typical for the season. These events serve many purposes and when understood more clearly enhance, solidify, and safeguard your relationships and overall emotional health. Rituals are activities that couples and families create that occur on a predictable…

self esteem woman depression help identity photo

Recovering Your Identity

The term identity is one commonly used by developmental psychologists and researchers when referencing an individuals sense of ‘differentness’ or ‘likeness’ with others. Ones identity is often tossed around with terms like ego strength, self-esteem, individuality, etc. Many individuals find that they need to ‘send’ or ‘broadcast’ a given set of values or beliefs in…